The Integrated Care for Kids (InCK) Model is a child-centered local service delivery and state payment model that aims to reduce expenditures and improve the quality of care for children under 21 years of age covered by Medicaid through prevention, early identification, and treatment of behavioral and physical health needs. Some programs also include Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) beneficiaries and pregnant woman over age 21 who are covered by Medicaid. The model will empower states and local providers to better address these needs, as well as the impact of opioid addiction through care integration across all types of healthcare providers.
Almost $126 million in InCK Model funding is being awarded to the states and organizations below for the 7-year Model launching in early 2020:
- Connecticut
- Illinois
- North Carolina
- New Jersey
- New York
- Ohio
- Oregon
How can we learn from this model?
How can this model be expanded to all states?