Over the past several years, there have been exciting developments of new tools, new data sources, and new techniques to improve how communities can collaborate to diagnose and address many factors that impact the health and well-being of all community members. Unfortunately, these potentially high-impact innovations are only slowly being adopted by the hospitals, health departments and coalitions that are currently doing Community Health Needs Assessments (CHNAs), Community Health Assessments (CHAs) and developing and (hopefully) implementing Community Health Improvement Plans (CHIPs).
We invite you to be a part of an exciting new learning collaborative and resource hub that can allow you to learn, share, and accelerate the adoption of more of these powerful techniques and tools. The website, www.ImprovePopHealth.com already has some great resources on it, and the workshop, to be held on December 14 in Orlando, will be a day packed with learning and access to tools you can bring back to your community. These links will give you a few samples of the types of powerful things you will learn through the community and workshop.
1. Three generations of CHAs https://vimeo.com/296434861/da30b4d20c (2:56)
2. New Data Sources for CHAs https://vimeo.com/296434967/87001b3d8b (5:58)
3. Differences between Organizational and Community Strategies https://vimeo.com/296435234/1848b0c80a (1:37)
We're also looking for people and organizations that have promising innovations (tools, techniques, practices) that have helped improve their CHNAs, CHAs, CHIPs, and population health efforts in general.
Bill Barberg, President & Founder
InsightFormation, Inc.
Co-Author of “Solving Population Health Problems through Collaboration”
Recipient of the 2018 Health System Transformation Award for work in helping communities address the opioid crisis.
We have an update on this post. We decided to push back the workshop until March 7-8 and hold it in Minneapolis, MN. But, the whole learning collaborative and other valuable resource will still be launched in December, so I encourage people to visit the Website, view the short videos above, and register to get on the mailing list!