CDC: Opioid prescriptions 87% more likely in rural areas
- 3 year-period of data used in this study
- residents of *most* rural areas are more likely to recieve opioid prescriptions than those in urban areas.
- 9.6% of residents in the *most* rural counties received opioid prescriptions vs. 5.2% of residents in large metropolitan counites
- residents of rural areas a *generally* more vulnerable when it comes to various elements of prescription drug use/treatment/drug monitoring programs/acess to alternative therapies.
- this study demonstrates that leveraging EHR data to supplement traditional forms of surveillance can be used to improve workflows while addressing the opioid crisis.
Full article: mily-medicine/pain-management/news/online/%7Beceab110-39b1-4928-afb5-969af9c0c3dc%7D/cdc-opioid-prescriptions-87-more-likely-in-rural-areas