Courting Equity: Using Technology to Improve Access to the Civil Justice System presentation focused on work that Stewards of Change Institute is conducting as part of a national initiative by the Pew Charitable Trusts to make the U.S. civil justice system more efficient, affordable and accessible. To achieve those aims, Pew and SOCI are partnering to identify emerging/innovative technologies and practices with experts across human services, healthcare, public safety and IT – all of which already use advanced technologies. Once identified, Pew will conduct tests around the U.S. in the coming years to determine what works best. Ultimately, the objective of this work is to implement tools and approaches that level the legal playing field for millions of people for whom the courts are too often an impediment – rather than an opportunity – for achieving justice. Presenters included Adam Pertman, Paul Wormeli, Amie Lewis, and Kay Chopard.
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