What if CMS enables hospital to pay for housing through Medicaid ?
- https://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20181114/NEWS/181119981
- http://www.nationalhousingtrust.org/news-article/report-high-opportunity-areas-of-concentrated-poverty
- https://prrac.org/pdf/housing_education_report_november2018.pdf
Thank you- Build Healthy Places Network for these resources: https://us9.campaign-archive.com/?u=ad88370db508e87870ea1d0b0&id=690dbffc72
read article @ https://news.yahoo.com/motels-homeless-shelters-more-local-19375969...
there are case studies of this initative succeeding all over the country
this is not addressing root causes of houselessness/homelessness, but is indeed a good idea of using existing resources to address an existing need.
"Run-down motels, according to some experts, can be a valuable tool for cities and developers looking to quickly house people experiencing homelessness."
“First of all, it’s built, so there’s no acquiring property and going through the process of getting architectural drawings and building something from scratch,” said Dennis Culhane, a professor in the School of Social Policy & Practice at the University of Pennsylvania. “You have an asset that you can basically just polish up and improve. That makes it a lot faster and probably more affordable than having to start from scratch.”