Welcome to the NIC Group for the Social Determinants of Health and Well-Being!

This is the place to find resources, ask questions, share information and tell your stories.The goal of this group is to provide a secure, informed space in which we can learn from each other, and advance the understanding and use of the Social Determinants to improve individual and population health. 

Our SDOH National Action Agenda: It’s Not Just about the Coronavirus!

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Public health issues are on more people’s minds than ever because of the coronavirus, but they’ve been paramount for many professionals for years. NIC created its National Action Agenda to operationalize the promise of the Social Determinants of Health and Well-Being to benefit the individuals and communities we all serve.
- Social Determinants of Health Group Moderator, Karen Smith

NIC's Project Unify is Highlighted In New Report on SDOH

The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society SDOH Task Force has launched a series of 10-minute presentations highlighting impactful and leading-edge work relating to the Social Determinants of Health and Well-Being. Tune into HIMSS Television to listen in today! HIMSS has also published a comprehensive new report on the social determinants. In its examination of infrastructure standards needed to integrate SDOH, the report highlights NIC’s Project Unify, a proof of concept/blueprint being developed to significantly advance cross-sector information sharing.

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