
Asheville, NC


Mathematica Policy Research


Senior Statistician

What are your domains of INTEREST?

Public Health, Public Safety, Health Information Technology

What are your domains of EXPERTISE?

Public Health

Share with us a short bio of yourself.

Aparna Keshaviah works at the developmental cusp of emerging public health topics, with almost two decades of experience leading the design and analysis of randomized controlled trials to evaluate health treatments and screening approaches. Her research is transdisciplinary in nature, spanning the fields of public health, medicine, environmental health, social science, and the humanities. She has been at the forefront of bringing innovative data sources, advanced analytics, and visualization tools to health policy research. Beyond her work on the opioid epidemic, Keshaviah studies pharmaceutical drug development and safety, the economic impacts of legalizing marijuana, and the health of military populations and people with serious mental illness. Her work has been widely published in journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA Psychiatry, and Envirometrics. Keshaviah was a 2006-2007 Fulbright fellow to India and holds a Master’s degree in biostatistics from the Harvard School of Public Health.

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