
San Diego, CA


County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency Behavioral Health Services


Prevention and Planning Manager

What are your domains of INTEREST?

Public Health

Do you have any OTHER domains of interest?

Prevention at all levels

What are your domains of EXPERTISE?

Public Health

Do you have any OTHER domains of expertise?


Share with us a short bio of yourself.

In my current position, I lead the Prevention and Planning Unit at Behavioral Health Services (BHS), with a team of 22 staff and responsibility for management of 33 contracts totaling nearly $17 million. Our unit provides coordination and leadership around mental health prevention and early intervention activities and initiatives, including integration of Live Well San Diego. BHS has integrated community outreach and engagement, Mental Health Services Act coordination, primary, secondary and environmental prevention activities for Substance Use Disorders and Mental Health contracts and initiatives and strategic planning within the Prevention and Planning Unit.

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