
Lexington, MA

How did you hear about the NIC Hub?

Word of mouth


Health Leads


Director, Program Services

Organization/project or personal website


What are your domains of INTEREST?

Human Services, Public Health, Health Information Technology

What are your domains of EXPERTISE?

Human Services, Public Health, Health Information Technology

Do you have any OTHER domains of expertise?

primary care operations; social determinants of health, complex care management, team based care

Share with us a short bio of yourself.

As a Director on the Program Services team, Therese oversees the development and delivery of the Health Leads Network and produces learning resources to enable members to integrate essential needs into whole person health initiatives. Notably, a content focus of hers includes how to build the business case for addressing essential needs in the health care setting. Prior to Health Leads, Therese was a Senior Program Manager at the Primary Care Development Corporation (PCDC) where she worked directly with safety-net primary care practices participating in value-based payment arrangements to employ data-driven, outcome-oriented projects to strengthen the delivery of team-based care and population management. While at PCDC, Ms. Wetterman co-led the development of a national program to provide technical assistance and training on care management and coordination strategies to healthcare and community-based organizations. Ms. Wetterman started her career at the Greater New York Hospital Association, where she provided guidance to member hospitals on health care policy developments that promoted community health initiatives. Therese has a BA from Tufts University in Political Science and Community Health and an MPH in Health Policy and Management from Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health.

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