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  • Hello Wendy,

    Welcome to NIC’s Collaboration Hub! Thank you for joining the Social Determinants of Health group. I look forward to your participation and encourage you to post on the group (start discussions, respond to discussions and questions, post content: papers, blogs, videos etc.) Feel free to post your expectations as a member of NIC. What are you working on that is relevant to this particular group? What interests you the most? We would love to hear more about your work in California!


    Navah Stein Social Determinants of Health Group Moderator, Associate Consultant SOCI

  • Hi Wendy - I look forward to your participation in the HUB and groups. Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions - or particular areas of interest.

    We've had some interaction with your group over the years through Emily, Daniel White and Barbara.  I look forward to interacting with you on the Hub and potentially within the CA group. 


    Daniel Stein- Co Principal Investigator NIC

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