
Los Angeles, CA

How did you hear about the NIC Hub?



UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families & Communities


Director, All Children Thrive

What are your domains of INTEREST?

Human Services, Education, Public Health, Public Safety, Health Information Technology

Do you have any OTHER domains of interest?

GIS, Equity, Measurement

What are your domains of EXPERTISE?

Public Health

Do you have any OTHER domains of expertise?

GIS, Equity, Measurement

Share with us a short bio of yourself.

My professional experience runs a broad range of social service issues including, social justice, homelessness, supporting displaced political refugees, domestic violence, education, public health and child development. In my current position, I support All Children Thrive for the UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families and Communities as Director. My recent professional experiences include Healthy City as their Senior Research Analyst, and First 5 LA as a Program Officer in their planning and development department. In these positions, I have been striving to pioneer changes in planning and evaluation practices that emphasize the critical impact that place/neighborhood conditions have on individual and community health utilizing cutting edge GIS and other data and analytics with an emphasis on measuring equity gaps from the earliest periods of human development. Central to my community change philosophy is the democratization of data and inclusion of local residents in developing community-based planning efforts, actionable research and informing place-based funding decisions to achieve distributional, recognitional, and procedural equity.

Would you like to join Health IT Group?


Would you like to join Project Unify Group?


Would you like to join the National Action Agenda to Advance Upstream Social Determinants and Race Equity Action Plan Group?


Would you like to join the Civil Justice Technology Project Group?


Would you like to join Social Determinants Group?


Would you like to join Opioid Epidemic Group?

