On Friday, April 2, participants joined us for a discussion on the exciting work being conducted by the National Action Agenda implementation team since the NAA symposium two months ago. Here’s a brief preview of what we’ve been up to:
- Following up on a couple of the NAA’s final action recommendations, we’re working with the Integrated Care for Kids (InCK) site in New Jersey in several ways, including the development of Project Unify and a Consent to Share Utility. We’re designing both Unify and C2SU as open-source, highly replicable solutions/blueprints to significantly advance data-sharing across multiple programs, systems and domains.
- To prepare individuals and organizations to advance interoperability and data-sharing (another NAA recommendation), we’re rolling out SOCI’s InterOptimability Training Curriculum and Certification (ITCC) program. We’re partnering with the CA Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers to enroll the first cohort of learners (limited to 20), with many more sessions to come. Learn more and sign up.
- We’re getting NAA’s learning and objectives out into the world in a variety of ways, including by presenting at national events. Those include the National Human Services Data Consortium Spring 2021 Virtual Conference on April 12 and the Healthcare Connect IT Summit on May 17-21, with more to come. Please let us know if you’d like us to present at an event that you’re planning.
- We’re continuing to work with a talented, experienced (and generous) team of volunteer technologists and developers who are the engine driving Project Unify, C2SU and more. At next week’s webinar, you’ll hear from the team members and learn about their unique capabilities. They include Matt Bishop, CEO of Open City Labs; Eric Jahn, CTO of HSLynk; and Dave Walsh, CEO of MITA-TAC Consulting.
We offer our deep gratitude to all of the people collaborating with us to turn the NAA’s vision of health equity into a reality. Most of all, we thank the 200+ of you who helped us shape the NAA’s work last year, and we invite you to stick with us as we avidly pursue its implementation.