
  • Trade association techUK has published a plan setting out 10 recommendations to accelerate the digitalisation of the health and care sector. The Ten Point Plan aims to ensure digital technology is at the forefront of improving outcomes for citizens and transforming how care is delivered nationally. It focuses on empowering the public, embedding standards and interoperability, digitising social care, supporting the health and social care workforce and reforming business environment and procurement.
  • Among the recommendations, it calls for the Department of Health and Social Care to centrally mandate, assess, and enforce the use of interoperability standards through NHSX and NHS Digital, and collate a single, searchable interoperability standards registry. It also recommends health secretary Matt Hancock to implement plans to establish the role of the Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) in law. The plan was created in collaboration with techUK members and healthtech companies, as well drawing on the techUK’s work with representatives across NHSX, NHS Digital, the Professional Record Standards Body, INTEROPen, Health Education England, the NHS Digital Academy and the Shuri Network.

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