Rebbeca Onie: What Americans agree on when it comes to health

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Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) have ubiquitous impact on lives across the US regardless of race, class, gender, geography, politics, etc. Overall, people view the fundamental necessities for living a healthy life in a similar light. In this TED talk, Rebecca Onie shares research that demonstrates these similarities of perspective.  

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  • A Personal Survival PLan begins with restful sleep (a home), good food (caring relationships), regular exercise (body, mind and spirit) and Family Traditions (the basis for "happiness in a worthwhile life").  


    a g a i n s t    a l l    o d d s         P E R S O N A L    S U R V I V A L    P L A N         INTRODUCTION   The  Merriam-Webster’s COLLEGIATE D…
    • Thank you for this. It sounds so simple....

      • Navah....well it is until the disruptive process of life occur.  To appreciate the complexity of HEALTH, see its definition presented on the above URL.   Paul

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