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  • Hello Page,

    Welcome to NIC’s Collaboration Hub! Thank you for joining the Social Determinants of Health group. I look forward to your participation and encourage you to post on the group (start discussions, respond to discussions and questions, post content: papers, blogs, videos etc.) Feel free to post your expectations as a member of NIC. What are you working on that is relevant to this particular group? What interests you the most?


    Navah Stein Social Determinants of Health Group Moderator, Associate Consultant SOCI

  • Thank you, Sondes Ben Chagra:

    A report was released this month from The Florida Attorney General’s Opioid Working Group . The report, Florida’s Opioid Epidemic: Recommendations and Best Practices, highlights three areas of response: prevention and education; enforcement; and treatment and recovery.  I am sure that you will see some similiarities here with the NIC's Opioid prevention playbook.  Check it out:$file/AG+Opioid+Working+Group+Report+Final+2-28-2019.pdf

    Sondes Ben Chagra
    The NIC Collaboration Hub is a secure, and interactive platform. This is where you will make a difference in people's lives.
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