Before introducing new topics we will take time during this week's LGT call to review, discuss, synthesize and integrate some of the key ideas and topics we've been discussing in the past few months. One of the main goals of the LGT group, and the Hub in general, is to encourage cross-domain discussions and exploration of the commonalities and differences between domains. It's all about bridging silos to achieve more efficient and effective outcomes that incorporate whole-person, value-based care goals. This only happens when we think collaboratively and across domains/sectors.
- We will start the call with a brief introduction to NIC, the Six Domains and a brief update by the Person Matching Work group that is researching cross-domain matching tools and models.
- We'll then focus on some of the key intersections between Education and Health domains and the role of FHIR, NIEM and other standards to facilitate the exchange of information. We'll have a brief overview from the SMEs who presented on these topics, and then have a structured discussion about ways the domains might be connected and/or the inhibitors that must be addressed. This integrative and/or synthesis conversation should help us to incorporate other domains which will be presented in the near future e.g. public safety, human services, public health, topics etc.
- As time permits we'll review a calendar of topics that we are planning for the next few months and discuss your recommendations. We will also introduce our newest moderator, Hudson Harrison, who will be helping lead the Social Determinants of Health and Well-being Group.
- We plan to use some Graphic Murals to help facilitate discussions, so please be sure to login to the call on your computer so you can see the shared screen. Feel free to browse our Graphic Mural Library, if you haven't already.
- We hope that everyone who has attended an LGT call, and new people will join us this Friday to catch up on what we have been doing, and where we are headed.
Tell your story, share your views and spread the word!
We look forward to your continued engagement. Feel free to add comments/thoughts/questions. Post a discussion, write a blog, and/or contribute your ideas for future discussion topics. We’ll take a few minutes during our next call to sort through these, prioritize them and identify who will lead each discussion. Invite your colleagues so they can join too.
About previous calls
Please note that we have posted the recording of the past LGT groups discussions for those who were unable to attend. Check them out!
Invite your colleagues and friends.
Daniel Stein & Dave Walsh
Join the LGT Group!
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