Welcome to the Let's Get Technical Group!
This is where technical-oriented professionals in social, health and human services and other sectors come together to discuss cross-silo, multi-disciplinary issues people across the country face every day. The group continues to explore common concerns and challenges, such as aligning information-exchange standards, identifying trusted person-matching methods, and focusing on data-sharing innovations. As a result, Project Unify launched the first proof of concepts to accelerate the exchange of actionable information across domains through a collaboration between NIC and MITA TAC. The group meets every Wednesday to share knowledge and resources, discuss emerging trends and shape solutions. If you’re interested in joining the conversation, contact Amanda TaylorRead more >>
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Mobile health and privacy: cross sectional study

Objectives: To investigate whether and what user data are collected by health related mobile applications (mHealth apps), to characterise the privacy conduct of all the available mHealth apps on Google Play, and to gauge the associated risks to privacy. Main outcome measures: Primary outcomes were characterisation of the data collection operations in the apps code and of the data transmissions in the apps traffic; analysis of the primary recipients for each type of user data; presence of…

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