Video Recording


The discussion promises to be particularly engaging, as it brings together two topics that are now the subjects of projects that group participants are undertaking: cross-domain person-matching and developing a proof of concept for interoperability between health and human services (Project Unify). In recent conversations, it has become obvious that the two efforts are very complementary and need each other.

We will start out with a user story, which will be crafted to include at least two domains.  Then we'll focus on finding the data elements that need to be shared by applications that access both domains.  The application that is accessing such data will need to refer to the same individual in both domains. As the LGT group identifies the initial PoC domains, it will look for ways to implement APIs for at least the cross-domain person-matching.  The goal for LGT is not to identify a single product that all will be using for name matching.  Rather, we seek a set of APIs that any vendor could implement and have a product that implements the API be easy to “plug and play” in an overall cross-domain solution.

The discussion will be led by

  • Dave Walsh: bringing technology from healthcare to Human Services;
  • Pradeep Podila: exploring opportunities for facilitating cross-sector client linkages;
  • Rita Torkzadeh: dedicated to advancing person-centered interoperability.

About Project Unify

The primary goal of Unify is to develop a prototype of a multi-domain Information Exchange that demonstrates how standards can facilitate interoperability between Human Services and Healthcare IT systems.  Although there will be some differences between the two sectors’ requirements, the goals, challenges and most of the technical approaches to achieve interoperability likely would be the same or very similar. Project Unify will learn (and borrow) from the investments in technologies that already have been made for health care interoperability and apply them to human services. Learn more >>

Tell your story, share your views and spread the word!

We look forward to your continued engagement. Feel free to add comments/thoughts/questions. Post a discussion, write a blog, and/or contribute your ideas for future discussion topicsWe’ll take a few minutes during our next call to sort through these, prioritize them and identify who will lead each discussion. Invite your colleagues so they can join too. 

About previous calls

Please note that we have posted the recording of the past LGT groups discussions for those who were unable to attend. Check them out!


We look forward to this working session and hope you'll participate to share your thoughts and insights. 

Invite your colleagues and friends.  

Daniel Stein & Dave Walsh

Join the LGT Group!


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  • NOTES from LGT Call:

    Action Items:

    • Need common definition of Interoperability 
    • Next week will be a working session of PoC; participants should plan to contribute and consult


    • Elliot just returned from the EDUsummitIT, got interoperability included in the UNESCO recommendations to be forwarded to the UN

    Project Unify and Person Matching Introduction

    • When trying to do person matching across domains, it adds complexity
      • IBM has several projects doing cross-domain work
      • Connecting social services, health benefits, health care authority, dss, dcyf - anticipation that it is scalable to other domains also 
    • Do either of these cases have unique identifiers? Do you have control over this?
      • No control over single identifier, need solution better than a single identifier
      • Solution for single identifier is causing problems, need to move toward resolution of identity, more complicated but needed, allows to be accurate for long term/adaptable, not just point of time accuracy like single identifier
    • How does this work when little control by ppl over domains you are matching across?
    • Ween utilization of APIs for person matching? Could this lessen the burden of integration?
      • Yes, BUT our strategy is not to do deep integration (this means they would have to change all systems substantially); trying interoperability model that is not integration.
      • Envisioning state-wide registry where everyone publishes data, then that data is correlated/abstracted from all of those applications, model that is more flexible
      • Visionary documents
      • Sum up- Creating common data model structure where all participants share data
      • APIs to bring data in, complexity is determined by how old the systems are. … Modern systems are a different matter
      • Semantic interoperability, instead of changing data in legacy system and having everyone conform to common model- ability to map across agencies/domains with common meaning within context
      • “Semantic Interoperability”
    • Who has dealt with pediatric patient matching and seen parent information also documented on child’s med record? Parent information on pediatric chart for certain timeframe
      • Parent and guardian info persists in public health registry, collected from EHRs and stored within immunization registry, a lot of work done to keep that information current within the laws/regulations of a jurisdiction, changes when a child passes age 18
    • Data governance issues, when creating common data model and intend to process data that needs to interact with other sources? Ex: PDMP
      • Needs to be addressed by governmental solutions 
      • Privacy issues, tiered structure on access controls, based on people’s role and organization, then on-top layering privacy restrictions 

    POC, Project Unify, Where person matching falls into this effort:

    • POC = Proof of Concept. A way to demonstrate a potential solution before building whole thing.
    • Project Unify is proposing to develop a POC with Let's Get Technical members
    • Integrate micro services together to make solutions
    • Microservices is where the IT industry is going (in addition to other advances)
    • Think of micro services as lego blocks that can click together to make systems
    • Standards, ex: FHIR, will be important when integrating systems with healthcare components
      • FHIR will not be solution to everything
    • Exploring how underlying technologies can be utilized on both NIEM transactions and SMART technologies for security measures and what particular users can do with information
      • How can we use/re-use healthcare initiatives into the human services realm
    • Goal of Project Unify = tying domains together and reusing as much as possible
    • Need to find ways that reduce the amount of needed integration, need more agility and accessibility to individuals 
    • Goal = identify patterns that can be reused across these services, be developed to be fairly easily knit together through using APIs and be used across domains 
      • Need cross-domain name matching 
    • Contours of this project
      • How do we bring people in - relevant and useful 
      • Do two different standards data set need to exist ? SMART and FHIR
    • For the case of cross-domain matching, context of client matching
      • Data curated from 2018 Medicaid conference fits this use case 
      • Looks at different basic building blocks involved in everyone’s lives 
      • healthcare, education, housing - 3 domains chosen for today’s call
      • Use case that involves user story as value proposition
    • Communicate about why implementing this technology with USER STORIES
      • Set of capabilities about FHIR or healthcare info exchanges
      • Contains personas to go with user story 
    • We are not trying to build a product! Open source project, build a POC
      • Demonstrate something that can be used and built on
    • How do we facilitate the building of the common data model?
    • How do we tweak to make new model work through leveraging existing infrastructures. 
    • Use implementation guides from Davinci
    • Match story with specific interaction diagram to understand all flows part of demo

     What’s Missing from this POC:

    • Juvenile justice as 4th domain, for story standpoint
    • Social Services can be the 5th domain
    • Additional domains could be added - so people in those can feel included
    • Add this to POC story
    • Start with basic building blocks and show potential for expansion to different domains
    • Add dynamism for possibilities

    Domain Work:

    • Enumerate the domains in spreadsheet
    • List services available in specific domain
    • URI used to get information in domain
    • Data model used within domain to share information
    • What is this domain like? Build initial POC using primitive domains.
      • Ex: Education, what are the data models needed to flow?
      • share information for this domain
    • Next week will be a working session of PoC; participants should plan to contribute and consult
    Health Information Exchange – MiHIN
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