About Human Services Server (HSLynk)

Core Team


HSLynk can serve as a model for non-clinical human services systems in the Project Unify proof of concept.  HSLynk is not an end user software, but rather a platform for communication with 3rd party apps, person records matching, client consent enforcement, fine-grained access control, and external push notifications.  HSLynk is fully API driven, and can receive random information into its built-in Data Lake.  As such, it is suited for communicating with the Project Unify User Interface (UX), as Unify UX stores and accesses National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) and other human services payloads to and from HSLynk. Read more >>

Latest Updates!

Based on lessons learned during the MiHIN InterOpathon, the open source HSLynk human services server is working on configuring its existing "Pub/Sub" implementation to allow apps to subscribe to receive push notifications of new Social Determinants of Health data, on behalf of a client or patient. This will improve the speed and efficiency with which updates are received by all parties in the health and human services interactions.

HSLynk is also working to improve the automation of "Trusted App onboarding for hackathons, and new projects. Trusted Apps uses OAuth2, similar to SMART on FHIR. Sample API calls and orientation walk-throughs, are also being added to the onboarding screens to improve the developer experience.

HSLynk Resources

Design objectives for a 'minimally viable ethics': ensuring agency and accountability in data exchange

Hi there – I can't make the call today so I'm sharing this summary of months of dialogue and discovery. Assuming that "Do no harm" should be a first principle to guide this work, there are important ethical consideration that are NOT fully addressed by topics of security, regulatory compliance, or even traditional notions of "privacy" and consent. This is especially true given the prospect of integrating complex systems in ways that can collapse contexts and make possible new, unanticipated…

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1 Reply · Reply by Daniel Stein Aug 19, 2020
Views: 3513

functional and semantic NIEM and FHIR interoperability

From our call on 4/29/2020, this diagram shows that NIEM and FHIR already have or will have the same underlying data model format, RDF and Web Ontology Language (OWL).  This allows for quick mapping, structured federated queries, and self-defining data that can easily be validated over the web.  Convergence is already well underway.  The source file for the diagram shown during the callis hosted here.

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