About Ontology

Core Team


The ontology team will focus on the following:

  • Catalog worldwide human services ontologies/vocabularies, coordinate with other SDOs (all in RDF/OWL).
  • Propose new APIs and workflows based on collected and gap vocabularies.
  • Beginnings of a Human Services functional equivalent to FHIR/RIM models

Monthly Reports

Population and Community Ontology

I ran across an ontology of great usefulness to human services:one for population and community https://bioportal.bioontology.org/ontologies/PCO/?p=summary .  As stated "Practical applications of the PCO include community health care, plant pathology, behavioral studies, sociology, and ecology. The PCO is complient with the Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) and is designed to be compatible with other OBO Foundry ontologies.".  The UN Sustainable Development Goals ontologies are aligning with it.  Oh,…

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