2/23/23 UNIFY Meeting: MayJuun and IOI/MELD Presentation & HIMSS eConsent Policy Workshop

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Interoperability Institute (IOI) will provide an overview of the Meld Sandbox which is an open-source, FHIR® based platform that allows its users to ideate, test, and validate healthcare applications, workflows, and use cases. The Meld sandbox is stewarded by the InterOp.Community, a healthcare community that has gathered around the focus of finding ways to improve interoperability for everyone involved in healthcare processes and policies. IOI will share relevant background, goals, and achievements of this group and a description of the sandbox offering. A short, demonstration of its features, functions, and capabilities will also be provided to allow participants to visualize how they might be able to use such a tool as a way to improve their path to production when creating healthcare applications.

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  • This was one of our best UNIFY sessions.  Don't miss hearing how MayJuun and IOI/MELD are bringing new capabilities to the HHS market in NJ and CT, and beyond.  

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