presentation slides (13)
211 San Diego Presentation: Sharing Information is Easier Than You Think
Sharing Information Is Easier Than You Think presentation by Elaine Scordakis and Jennifer Scwartz.
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Read more…ONC TEFCA: Recognized Coordinating Entity Presentation
Mariann Yeager provided Project Unify with the latest TEFCA overview on September 1, 2021.
Read more…Self-Sovereign Identity in Healthcare
Lumedic's presentation slides, "Self-Sovereign Identity in Healthcare." Presentation was on August 18 at the Project Unify meeting.
Read more…Project Unify Presentation at NHSDC Conference: Confidential, Targeted Community Exchanges - Alerts for COVID-19 and Beyond: using HMIS in standards-based real-time community exchanges
Project Unify presentation at the NHSDC Conference.
Read more…Consent Governance Group Kickoff Meeting Slides
The Consent Governance workgroup met on April 19 to discuss objectives and expected outcomes.
Read more…Homeless Rehab COVID Dataflow
In the Homeless Rehab COVID demo we consider the challenges of Sarah Thomson, who as a result of an auto accident while under the influence of opioids has lost her license, her car is totaled, she lost her job delivering groceries, was evicted from h
Read more…Single Parent Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) Dataflow
In the Single-parent SDOH demo we consider the challenges of Sarah Thomson, who is now a single mother of two children. This Food Insecurity demo involves a PRAPARE survey app, an Electronic Health Records System and a Case Management Referral System
Read more…Homeless / Case Management Social Determinants of Health Dataflow
In the Homeless SDOH demo we consider the challenges of John Thomson, who is now homeless in NYC. This Chronically Homeless/Housing Insecurity demo involves a Shelter Management app, a Homeless Management Information System and a Case Management Refe
Read more…InCK & NIC Presentation at 2020 National Opioid Summit: Tackling the COVID-19/Opioid Twindemic: The Urgent Need to Accelerate Responsible Data Sharing across the Spectrum of Health and Human Services
Dr. Kristine McCoy and Daniel Stein presented at the 2020 National Opioid Leadership Summit on December 8, 2020. The presentation titled, "Tackling the COVID-19/Opioid Twindemic: The Urgent Need to Accelerate Responsible Data Sharing across the Spect
Read more…Overview presentation of Project Unify – discussed as part of the May 1st, LGT webinar with other national accelerator programs
Project Unify recently participated in an Interoperability Insights webinar titled "From Indiana to the National Accelerators: COVID-19 and Interoperability for a Better Path Forward." The group shared an overview of Project Unify, including the purp
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